
"Your beginner friendly tech community in Leipzig"

Credits: Thanks to Christian Doeller (www.christiandoeller.de)

We are a friendly group of tech enthausiast that meet regularly to work on projects, discuss technologies and help each other.

We organize events to learn, collaborate and meet other learners. If you interested in tech, would like to try out programming or if you need help with your project, feel free to join the community.

Our meetup

We meet every week Monday or Thursday between 7 and 10pm at Basislager to learn, educate and motivate each other when getting started with coding or when working on a project.

The event is free and everyone is welcome to participate. We don't offer regular coding workshops, but we meet to talk about coding issues or any kind of question you might have when getting started with programming. People that join our meetup have different experience levels and are always happy to help.

Please read our Code of Conduct before you join.

Also a big thanks to Basislager for sponsoring the event space.

Learning Resources

We have a collection of learning resources here. Feel free to contribute and add your favourite tutorial.


We have a bunch ongoing projects and are always looking for people who like to contribute. Please see our Github account to learn more or get in touch with us.


You can send us an email or join us at Slack (channel: #leipzig).

Credits: Thanks to Christian Doeller (www.christiandoeller.de)

Upcoming Events


Team Leipzig



